Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
HCIA Compressed Cranial Inc. Production For DKIT. THE LEGEND OF THE GIANTS CAUSWAY (How the Aurora Bore (Alice) Was Born) Once upon a time long ago there lived a giant far up in the northern hemisphere. His name was Oswaldo the Grouch. Late one Summers evening as the days started to shorten and the onset of the long winter months threatened Oswaldo decided to move south for the winter. After long conversation with his wife Alice, and much persuasion, she agreed to the trip as long as she could accompany him on his journey. They set of south ahead of the fast approaching winter storms and soon arrived at the northern shores of a completely uninhabited island. Their first view was of a strange set of uniform shapes protruding upwards around the shoreline. The look of this curious shoreline interested him very much, so much so that without further ado he took of again and landed right on top of the curious looking shapes. As he walked around picking his steps from one shape to the next he began to hear strange sounds in his head. And to his utter amazement each shape seemed to produce a different sound. Of course he wasn’t sure if the sounds were inside or outside his head so he rushed back to Alice and asked if she would come with him and check if he was still sane or maybe he could be loosing his marbles. What with the long journey and strange new country well, anything could happen. The next day Oswaldo and his wife went to see the shapes again and test them for the sounds he had heard the day before. And sure enough as soon as they started to walk around the shapes they both began to hear the sounds, the more they chased and frolicked around the louder the music got. That it had the potential for music Oswaldo was sure. Each day the giant went to the rocks and practiced for hours and after a few months, using both his hands and his feet he had mastered Bach’s cantata and fugue in D minor. They spent many happy hours and days during that long mild winter practicing scales and arpeggios and generally brushing up on their Bach. One day after Oswaldo had spent many hours making music he got the idea of broadening out his repertoire, not just the music, but what if he could add some lighting, this could liven up the entire scene. When he went home that evening he said to Alice, you know “hen” I was just thinking today as I was practicing that it might be a good idea if we could add some lighting effects to the music, what do you think? Well she said, after some thought, sounds good to me Ossie but keep it simple if you can, maybe some “neon” a bit of “strobe” nothing too ostentatious, it could be OK. Tell you what “old thing” Suppose I give you a hand we could get this thing up and running in no time. It would be great if we could have it ready for a run through for early November. What do you thing? Over the next few weeks they worked on the lighting idea and were ready for a trial run by the end of October. ??? There's more later
Last week our group was joined by LisaWe had a meeting in CR8 that lasted about an hour. Our main discussion centered around the subject on which to base our project. So far we have had difficulty in getting away from the Giants Causeway idea largely because Caroline, Anya and Feichra are reluctant to let us. On that basis we looked at the other ideas we had in the thinking bag to see if there was something to build on, something that would let us broaden the idea out a bit . Jamie suggested a World tour type of thing where the Globe could be rotated and some hot-spots identified and visited. A list of six spots to visit were suggested to include the Great Wall of China, The Grand Canyon, Ayers Rock, Lapland, The Pyramids at Giza and The giants Causeway. The use of a can corder to activate the hotspots with some kind of tour to follow once you homed in on the place with some info and tour guide to assist. With a class on Thursday where our ideas are expected to be fleshed out from last weeks very much in mind it was decided to try picking out the best bits of all our ideas to date and see if there was any pattern emerging that could that we could get a story line out of. Instead of Rory and Alice of the G/C theme we thought that Aliens coming to have a look at Planet Earth, having a look at the h/spots and liking it and staying or disliking it and leaving it eventually. The mechanics of the interactivity aspect of it have not yet been gone into in any great length but a camcorder system of some sort seems the likely way. By the end of the meeting we had a good rough sketch of the project to put before the assembled "heads"in the C203 class on Thursday.
Thursday.15/10/09C203We put our newish thinking before the board giving them a very good plan for the project with lots of ideas on how we planed to take it forward. While they were sympathetic to our mini pitch they seem to be reluctant to have us let go of the Giants Causeway theme in general. We agreed to take their suggestions on board and have a rethink. After the class we decided to go to the long w/end and work on our ideas individually, run them past each other at the next meeting on Tues. in CR8. With that in mind I'm going to spend a little time on the Giant and try to find the bones of a story with a beginning, middle and an end, try fleshing it out and see where it takes us.
Going back to the original idea of Rory and Alice, perhaps if we think of them as ailiens on some kind of intergalactic voyage and discovering Planet Earth, thinking to themselves that it might be worth having look. They would then zoom in on the brightest and most obvious places, places that have "look at me " quality to them. Rather like the afore mentioned six hot/ spots. Having had a look at each of them in turn and not finding anything to excite them too much they keep moving on until they come to the G/C. On landing there Rory finds some kind of musical aspect to it that attracts him. He mentions this to Alice and asks if she will check it out with him. They find that stepping on the stones excites them into giving off a musical note, each stone with a different value and so on. We can go in this general vane and see where it will take us. My thinking is this, we can morph the rocks into an organ with at least three consoles plus all the foot pedals we can get. Rory can then have his fun playing through all the different styles he can muster, or the "audio" department can. There is place here to go ecologically minded and have atmosphere either become polluted or in some way force them to abandon P/E . If we take the original idea of the Northern Lights we may be able to work through the notion that pollution is is causing them to fade and the Aliens decide to move on before its too late. They can the fly off into, or out of, the darkness to continue the search for Nirvana.
Meeting 20/10/09
We had our normal Tuesday meeting scheduled for CR8 after Ken's class finished at 13oohrs.
Lisa didn't make it and we didn't have the will to go on without her or so it felt. The meeting was abandoned fairly soon but we agreed to have alternate proposals for the direction the project has to take for next week. Before we split we mulled over the various routings that it might take and accept that there is a need for differing ideas on the table so that we can try and piece a good story line with a coherent lineage that we can all get to work on seriously. With the pitch date set for 9th Nov. much work has still to be done. I have the feeling that the G/Causway story, while good enough will be very difficult to make work in its original concept. I'm looking forward to plenty of new ideas for our next meeting, with the hope we will be able to get the outline plan in place then so we can move on into the developing process.
At the class on Thursday the combined forces pressed upon us the need to streamline our thinking and work on getting a good narrative in place sooner rather than later. With the bare bones of the structure already in place we should be able to get there in time for the “pitch” this coming Thursday.
Some ideas:
Scene 1
The video opens with a shot of Rory & Alice hurtling through space on a machine resembling a Harley Davidson especially adapted for inter planetary travel. They are heading directly for the camera, which is on Planet Earth.
Scene 2
They will then be seen looking for a suitable place to land. After circling the Earth a few times they land close to the Great Wall of China. They give the place a good look over and decide it’s not for them. They move on and in turn have a look at Ayers Rock, the Pyramids, and the Grand Canyon, none of which appealed to them.
Scene 3
Finally they come to The Giants Causeway and like it. The unusual rock formation appeals’ to them and Rory starts to explore it.
Rory is then seen hopping from rock to rock, each time as he lands on a rock point it excites a musical note.
From this we will have to create a sequence of musical notes that will form part of the required interaction. This scene will be the setting for the major part of the video. Into it we will have to fit all of the important action. The development of the musical theme, as yet not decided on,
This is the part that takes us through to the end.
R & A will be seen discussing their future on the planet. A thin smog is starting to dull the sparkle of the Northern Lights which, along with the musical rocks is the reason for their staying. As the lights get dimmer the make their minds up leave and return to home saddened by the spectre of pollution.
For the characters the figure of Max Wall, suitably treated looks right for Rory and an equally witch like figure for Alice seems OK. Rory is the main character and will require all the attention.
The background sounds will be crucial to the over all effect. The dominant sounds running all the way through will have a eerie other world effect with intermittent thunder cracks and lightning flashes that will morph into the N/Lights.
Ideally for the musical rocks Bach’s C&F would be perfect but this is perhaps too much to try for. To get the fingers and toes of Rory animated to execute this as a theme is very likely beyond us.