Ok, so it's been quite awhile since we've been here, so here's a low down on whats been happening.
The graphic department has come up trumps with the graphical elements, some of which were shown in the previous posting, along with all the animations required for each of the game levels.
The sound department has field recorded all of the audio required and has since processed these into their final formats for use with the games.
The programming department has been working feverishly to get the games working together which has come together nicely, with everything linking together and flowing for the story.
There was a real sense of accomplishment in the air today as construction began on the physical housing for the project. Included with the post are some pictures taken during construction.
Another update will follow tomorrow along with pictures of tomorrows construction and artistic additions.
Frame work
Fixing it together
Checking the structure
Securing the skeleton
Building the skeleton
Securing the skeleton
Roof added
Roof added
Roof added
Roof added
Stapling the walls
Covering the walls
Inside the ship
Inside the ship
Back of the controller
Measuring for the door
Fixing the supports
Shelf for the controller and screen
The finished shelf for the controller and screen